In this series Ps Sam Monk unpacks our Heartbeats as Equippers Church. These are the foundational values that make us who we are, and act as the banks of the river to keep us moving in the right direction.
Week One
Key Thought:
In the Old Testament, the word which gets translated to Honour is כבד [ka’vad] which means ‘for something to have weight’ and to honour something means to ‘add weight to it’ or ‘put your weight behind it'.
Question 1:
Did anything particularly stand out to you from the video?
Question 2:
What does it mean to ‘put your weight behind’ something in a figurative sense?
Question 3:
The first place we Honour God is His Word; the Bible.
The second place we Honour God is His presence.
The third place we Honour God is through acknowledgement of our need of Him.
What does it mean for us to Honour God in these places?
How do we ‘add weight’ to the Word of God and to His presence?
Key Verse: 1 Samuel 2:30 (NIV)
“Therefore, the Lord, the God of Israel, declares: ‘I promised that members of your family would minister before me forever.’ But now the Lord declares: ‘Far be it from me! Those who honour me I will honour, but those who despise me will be disdained.”
Question 4:
‘To honour’ has become synonymous in English with ‘to venerate’ or ‘show great respect’.
How do we Honour the presence of God? What does this look like when we come to church? When we worship? When we pray? When we are spending time with secular friends and family?
How does God then honour us?
Question 5:
Our third place we honour God is in humbling ourselves before Him in prayer and acknowledging our need of him.
In what places do we need God most in our lives?
How can we acknowledge our need for God in these areas?
Week Two
Key Thought:
What is excellent is defined as ‘the best of it’s kind’. At Equippers we strive to Excel in every area of life; to be the be the best we can be. We are also called by God to bring the best we have as an offering to Him.
Question 1:
Did anything particularly stand out to you from the video?
Question 2:
Ps Sam mentions three areas we can give to God: Time, Talents, and Treasure.
How do you feel thinking about these things and the offerings you are presenting to God?
Key Verse: Daniel 6:3 (NIV)
“Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.”
Question 3:
The first area Ps Sam mentions is Time. Many people have busy lives and too often we find ourselves saying “I don’t have time for that”. Remember: God has given you all the time you need in order to fulfil his purpose.
What does it mean for us to give God the best of our time?
Is there anything you are doing which may not be the will of God and preventing you from giving your best?
Question 4:
The second area Ps Sam mentions is Talents, or skills. These are the things we are good at where we have received a natural talent as a gift from God.
What are some examples of talents, or skills we may naturally be good at?
Are we honouring the gift giver, God, by developing these gifts?
How are we presenting these gifts as an excellent sacrifice to God?
Question 5:
The last area Ps Sam mentions is Treasure. This is our wealth here on Earth, which God has called us to be a faithful steward of.
How do we feel about our stewarding of the treasure gifts God has presented us with?
Are there any areas of our Treasure where we aren’t giving God our best?
Question 6:
What areas have you identified where you are not giving God the best of what you have?
Make a plan on how you can start to give God your best and honour him in your Time, Talents, and Treasure.
Week Three
Key thought:
Jesus came to Earth to advance the Kingdom of Heaven. He did this, not as a conqueror, but as a servant. At Equippers Church, we want to lead like Christ did, serving those around us and revealing the servant heart of God.
Question 1:
Did anything particularly stand out to you from the video?
Question 2:
There is nothing wrong with wanting greatness, leadership, and advancement. The challenge is around how we go about attaining these things. During the time of Jesus’ ministry on Earth, he demonstrated greatness and servant leadership as an example for his disciples and for us.
How is servant leadership counter-cultural to the age we live in today?
Key Verse: Philippians 2:5-11 (ESV)
“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Question 3:
What does serving look like to you?
Question 4:
We have already talked about honouring God with our Time and Talents, which might look like serving in Church; what are some ways we can serve people outside of the Church?
How can we serve people in our schools, workplaces, or families?
How does serving outside of the Church help to advance the Kingdom of God?
Question 5:
Think of a few areas you can start to serve others in. Think of at least one inside of Church and one outside.
What can you do to serve others in these areas?
Week Four
Key Thought:
Reaching Out is not something we consider 'optional' or 'for the experts' or 'the pastor’s job' – it's the mission which founded the Church in the Book of Acts. We need to be bold in speaking the truth of God to people around us.
Question 1:
Did anything particularly stand out to you from the video?
Question 2:
As Christians, we are united by a common mission to reach the lost and bring them to Jesus.
When was the last time you talked about your faith with a non-Christian?
What are the barriers between us and sharing the Gospel?
Key Verse: Matthew 28:18-20
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end”
Question 3:
What does it mean for “All authority in heaven and on earth…” to be given to us?
Question 4:
As Ps Sam mentioned, the Church is the body of individuals who have received this baptism and been unified by the Great Commission passed from Jesus to his followers.
How important is it for us to be reaching those who are away from God?
Question 5:
We have talked in previous weeks about serving others outside of Church.
Has your serving others opened the door for you to have a conversation around your faith?
Question 6:
Have a think about who is close to your but far from God. Perhaps write their name down or keep a reminder to yourself.
What is keeping you from sharing your faith with this person?
How can you overcome this barrier and reach out to those around you?
Week Five
Key Thought:
If you are a believer, you have no right to hold on to offence. Matthew 18:21 and following gives an account of a parable Jesus told on the unforgiving servant. Since God has forgiven us all our wrongs against Him, how can we hold anyone else due for their wrongs against us?
Question 1:
Did anything particularly stand out to you from the video?
Question 2:
As Christians, we are called to live in harmony with one another, inside and outside of Church.
When have you been offended in the past?
How did you come to resolve this offence?
Key Verse: Psalm 133:1
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”
Question 3:
The Bible calls us to live in unity with one another and to be ‘of one accord’ (agreement).
What does it mean to live together in unity?
What is it that we are ‘united’ by or ‘in agreement’ with?
Question 4:
Read Matthew 18:21-35.
How does this story make us feel?
What does it mean to ‘…forgive your brother from your heart’?
Question 5:
Identify any offence you are holding on to and understand why you are harbouring this.
Is there anything you can do to overcome this offence?
Overcoming offence can be a journey, pray with your eGroup in this area and speak with your eGroup leader for guidance.