At the start of every year we lean in and learn together, right across New Zealand, with a theme for our year. 2025 is a year of BRAND NEW beginnings at Equippers! We’re believing for fresh opportunities, bold steps into new territory, and the fullness of new life in Christ.
Every day is a fresh start when we live with Jesus. He has made us brand new, but He also has new things for us to take hold of!
“Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for.” (1 Peter 1:3)
Together, let’s embrace everything God is making brand new this year.
To get the most out of this study, can we encourage you to get involved in an eGroup this month, dive into the daily readings on the Equippers App, attend church each Sunday to hear the Word preached, and pray fervently for a significant year for us all - individually and collectively – as we live BRAND NEW.
We are praying for you.
Ps Sam and Kathy Monk

Full and Overflowing
This series with Ps Sam Monk, Ps Jake Langridge, and Ps Esther Greenwood looks at what it means to live a life full and overflowing with the fullness of God. It unpacks how to live a full life with a full heart, what a full house looks like, and how to live with full assurance in God.
Connect: Spend time connecting with each other.
Key thought: This series discusses the idea of what it means to be Filled to Overflowing with the Fullness of God. We start by asking what a Full Life looks like.
Watch: Watch ‘Session One’ of the series.
Key Verse: Ephesians 3:19
(NKJV) “…to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
(NLT) “May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.”
Question 1
Ps Esther ended with the idea that we can either live ‘Full’ or as a ‘Fool?’ What do you think this question means?
Question 2
Ps Sam said sometimes we can find ourselves doing things out of obligation or by force, or even by striving, but that’s not how God wants us to live. When we live ‘Filled’ (with the fullness of God), we should live with a sense of overflow. What does a life in overflow look like?
Read Luke 12:13-21 - The Parable of the Rich Fool
In this parable Jesus uses some strong language to help us identify what a fool looks like, we can also see through this what it means to be filled with God’s fullness.
Question 3
In verse 17 it says the Rich Fool “Thought to himself, ‘What shall I do?’”. But God wasn’t in his thinking? Often when we are having success in life (like the Rich Fool) it can be easy to leave God out of our thoughts. How can we avoid this trap?
Question 4
In response to his own thinking the Rich Fool says in verse 18 “This is what I will do.” But God wasn’t in his plan. The Rich Fool chose not to acknowledge or consider God in his planning. Has there been a time when you didn’t include God in your plans? What did you learn and why do you think we sometimes leave God out of the picture?
Question 5
The Rich Fool struggled to see God in his future, he says, “I will store my surplus grain…I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years…Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.” It revealed his security was in himself and what he had, rather than in who God was and what he could do. Where is your current challenge to trust God with your future?
Question 6
Putting our faith in the finite makes us foolish but having faith in the infinite leads to a Full Life. Where in your life are you not experiencing the fullness of God, what could you do this week to shift that?
Pray that God would help you understand the areas of your life that he wants to fill with his life and power and believe that as you trust Him you will start to see more of His overflow.
Why don’t you share with another member of your egroup an area where you felt challenged from today’s topic, and make a commitment to encourage each other this week as you decide to make a change in that area.
Connect: Spend time connecting with each other.
Key thought: In this series we are looking at what it means to be Full and Overflowing. Today we are discussing how God wants to give us a Full Life, and how that is often determined by what’s in our heart.
Watch: Watch ‘Session Two’ of the series.
Key Verse: Proverbs 4:20-23
Verse 23:
(NKJV) “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.”
(NIV) “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
Question 1
Ps Sam started with the thought that God has more for us than we sometimes realise, He wants to give us a full life but that is often determined by the condition of our heart. What do you think are the indicators of a healthy heart?
Question 2
When we allow thoughts into our hearts unchecked, they can often grow and can cause behaviours that surprise us. Have you ever been surprised by something you’ve said or done? What did that reveal to you about what’s in your heart?
Read Proverbs 4:20-23 “…give attention to my words…For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”
Question 3
Ps Jake used the analogy of a goal keeper, who’s responsibility it is to keep balls from going into the goal, indicating that’s similar to our hearts. We’re the best goal keepers of our hearts. We are responsible for ‘keeping’ or ‘guarding’ our hearts, deflecting things (thoughts, attitudes, perceptions) that shouldn’t be in there. How do we guard (keep) our heart from things that don’t benefit us?
Question 4
Ps Esther referred to the practice of ‘stopping and reflecting’, creating the time and space to reflect on what’s happening in our hearts. What’s the benefit of this practice? How do we create the time and space to do this?
(Note: stopping and reflecting helps us identify things in our lives that we may need to repent, forgive, submit, or take responsibility for so they don’t pollute our hearts).
Question 5
We need to be careful about what we feed our hearts. Ps Sam quotes James 1:15 which teaches us, when we mediate on a thought or a desire, we actually let it in to our hearts, which then has the power to produces an action or a behaviour that may not be good for us. What are you currently feeding your heart? Is it good for you or is it robbing you of God’s best for your life?
Question 6
This series is about us knowing that God wants to fill our lives with his love and power, not just toppped up but with an overflowing measure. With that in mind, what is something in your heart you may need to address, something that God saying it doesn’t belong there?
Pray that you would have courage and wisdom to deal with, let go of, or surrender to God the things that don’t belong in your heart, so you can life free with a heart full of Gods goodness.
Sometimes the process of addressing negative things in our heart involves repenting and replacing it with Gods truth, and at times it can also involve seeking guidance from a leader. Why don’t you make a commitment to respond in an appropriate way to what God reveals to you about what’s in your heart.
Connect: Spend time connecting with each other.
Key thought: Today we are continuing our study on what it means to be Full and Overflowing. This session we look at God’s desire for His House to be full, full of His presence, His Love and His power, and full of people who experience the abundance of His house, God deserves a Full House.
Watch: Watch ‘Session Three’ of the series.
Key Verse: Psalms 36:8 (NKJV) “They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house,”
Question 1
Ps Sam started with an idea from Ps 36:8; when people come to church our prayer should be that they are abundantly satisfied. This scripture portrays God’s house as a place where ‘wants’ are supplied, ‘cravings’ are satisfied, and God’s all-sufficiency is accessible. How does this idea stir your faith and view of God’s House?
Question 2
The Gospel message in essence is ‘Go and Tell’ (go out and tell people about the Good News). But it is also equally ‘Come and See,’ meaning, there’s an invitation for people to come and see the good news. How should we reflect these ideas as a Church Community?
Read Luke 14:15-23 The Parable of the Great Banquet.
This parable depicts the invitation God has for us all to come and feast at His table, God is a Master who is not staisfied with a partially full banquet; He doesn’t want anyone to miss out, He wants every place at the table to be filled.
Question 3
In this parable there were many excuses and reasons people gave to not come to the Banquet. In their eyes those reasons were valid, but they missed out on the master’s banquet. Do we also allow things in our lives to stop us from joining in and experiencing the master’s banquet? How and Why?
Question 4
Ps Esther reminded us that we need to have experienced the banquet ourselves to be convinced of its blessing before we can compel others to come. How does this thought challenge you?
Question 5
Sometimes we’ve experienced religion that’s not appetising or compeling. However, Jesus’ life and ministry was compelling and attractive, people wanted to be where He was. Our lives too should be attractive and compelling because of the fullness of God we carry. Do we represent this same kind of impact, are we reflecting this picture of Jesus?
Question 6
Ps Sam ended with this question “If everyone did what you do would our Church Community be compelling?” How does this thought challenge you?
Let’s pray for opportunities to share of God’s goodness in our lives with people who might be close to us but far from God.
This Sunday is an opportunity to invite someone to experience the abundant banquet that God has for us. Why don’t you consider someone in your world that you could bring to church this Sunday?
Connect: Spend time connecting with each other.
Key thought: This is our last session in the Full and Overflowing Series. We end with what it means to have Full Assurance, a complete confidence in God’s plan and promise that causes us to live a life of courageous Faith.
Watch: Watch ‘Session Four’ of the series.
Key Verses:
Philippines 4:19 (NKJV) “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Ephesians 3:20 (NKJV) “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,”
Question 1
To have ‘Full Assurance’ means to have a complete faith or a complete confidence in God, that He will come through on every word and on every promise. How would you describe your confidence in God? Where does it need to grow?
Question 2
Sometimes we can limit God when our lives become ‘need’ centric, it can be difficult to see beyond the need. However, Philippians 4:19 says that God supplies in accordance with ‘His Glory and Riches,’ He is not restricted by who we are or by our need. Do you allow your needs to sometimes limit God? If you were more assured of God’s provision what kind of Faith steps would you take?
Read Revelation 3:15-17 The Lukewarm Church.
“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.”
Question 3
In this passage Jesus warns of the danger of being lukewarm, He’s challenging the Church at Laodicea that they have placed their confidence and assurance in what they have, needing nothing. Ps Sam mentions, “being in need of nothing is a dangerous place to be”. How does this thought provoke you?
Question 4
God’s grace is given that we will have all sufficiency in all things AND have an abundance for every good work (2 Cor 9:8). How do we BOTH have an abundance and carry a need that requires greater faith in God to do more?
Question 5
Many people ask God to fill them and He does, but they don’t allow it to overflow into others around them. How can we ensure that others around us experience the Overflow of God in our lives?
Question 6. For the past four weeks we have been talking about Full and Overflowing. How are you creating space for God to move in you (fill you with His Fullness) so that you may be overflowing?
Pray our confidence and assurance would be in God and not in our own sufficiency, and this would cause us to take greater steps of Faith.
Where do you currently feel challenged to take a step of Faith? What’s one thing from today’s session that you can meditate on to help grow in your assurance in God.