
I have gained righteousness

2 Corinthians 5:21 – God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.

Many feel they don’t deserve to be called ‘righteous’. Even if someone did, it would be easy to look down on them or label them as arrogant for doing so. Therefore, we don’t really hear anyone say it or think about themselves that way. But did you know God sees us as righteous? Not because we earned it through our morally good deeds, but through what Jesus did on the cross!

There are many Christians out there who work hard to earn God’s approval. But even though righteousness in the Bible means considered right in His eyes and living faithfully according to His Word, God accepts us and has clothed us in the righteousness of Christ solely because of His sacrifice. That’s right, God approves of us because of Jesus taking our sin! How amazing is that! Earning righteousness in our own strength falls short of what God requires from us. So, what does He require? That we trust in Christ’s finished work on the cross.

If you’re always toiling away, never sure you have done enough to make God happy, always remember, through Jesus, you can live in the reassurance that your sins are covered, and that God automatically sees you right in His eyes.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your sacrifice on the cross for me and taking away my sin. Because You did so I am now righteous before God’s eyes. Help me to live humbly and faithfully according to Your instructions, but to never forget that I could never earn Your love or Your acceptance. You accept me because You died for me. In Jesus name, Amen.


There is power in the unified and collective prayers of the Body of Christ. We pray that over the past 21 days each word, scripture and prayer has been helpful in drawing you closer to God. We know that God will move miraculously in your life, and we can’t wait to hear about it and celebrate it with you!