
I am blessed

Jeremiah 17:7 - Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.

“Trust Me” – this is what God is asking us to do today. But not only is He asking us to trust Him, He is backing that statement up with the promise that He’ll bless us for it.

This kind of trust is childlike, like how a child just knows that their loving parent will provide for them; that they will be there when they call. This kind of trust in God doesn’t happen automatically. It doesn’t happen just by attending church on a Sunday. Just like with any relationship, love and trust comes from spending time with each other. The more time we spend with God, the more we build our trust in Him.

When we go through a 'situation' or need to make a decision in our lives (big or small), we need to trust God to give us the right answer. Sometimes God will ask us to do something that makes no sense to us. Proverbs 3:5 tells us not to lean on our own understanding, but to trust in God. The very next verse tells us when we do so, He will make out paths straight. That is the blessing there!

Make a commitment today to spend time with God daily and trust Him with what He's trying to tell you. Set aside a few minutes to read the Word and pray. As you draw close to God, He’ll draw close to you, and He will bless you for it.

Prayer: God, I want to spend time with You and get to really know You personally. Help me find time every day to do this, without any distractions. Thank You that as I place my trust and confidence in You, You promise to come through for me and bless me. Even if the world tries to tell me otherwise, I know because I am Yours, I am blessed! In Jesus name, Amen.

Equippers Prayer Point

Pray for our church in Budapest, Hungary who has increased influence and reach into the eastern part of Europe.